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Estonia mörkläggningen kan vara Sveriges 9/11
Kom ihåg att massor av socialdemokratiska påläggskalvar fanns med på Estonia!

Om man ville se till att inga alternativ till Mona Sahlin, som partiledare, skulle återfinnas bland socialdemokraterna under överskådlig tid, så jaa, vem vet?

Chalmers forskare talar om ubåts krock! Vilka fanns på bryggan för att styra på denna ubåt?

Är det möjligt att sätta igång en jordbävning med mini nukes?

Satte samma ubåt igång Thailands tsunamin?

Befolkningen måste ju minskas, enligt Bilderbergarna!

Och Göran Persson måste bort och Mona skall in!

Anna Lindh skulle ha tagit över, hon blev mördad!

Vem är Mona Sahlin egentligen?

Fadern till hennes första barn, en chilenare, kan ha haft samröre med CIA? Hållhakar, hot..... om avslöjanden att han var en CIA infiltratör när Allende störtades?

Dags att ställa obekväma frågor till Mona Sahlin tycker jag!!

Otto Rydbeck, som utrett bl a Gabriel Urwitz och Proventus sionisterna, "råkade" vara i en strandbungalow i Kao Lak!

Var det en slump?

Consider it.

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Re: Estonia mörkläggningen kan vara Sveriges 9/11
hm det var mycket om allt där men det finns en toeri om hur palme mördades av salvador alende kanske anna lind oxå blev det

och en del säger ju även att anna lind var palmes dotter

någa det blir rörigt det där

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Re: Estonia mörkläggningen kan vara Sveriges 9/11

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Apa wrote:
hm det var mycket om allt där men det finns en toeri om hur palme mördades av salvador alende kanske anna lind oxå blev det

och en del säger ju även att anna lind var palmes dotter

någa det blir rörigt det där

Har du mer info om det med Palme/Allende - det låter konstigt - vad skulle Allendes motiv vara?

Mer info om Lind/Palme också... de är mycket lika i utseendet.

Palme/Shirley Maclaine är en annan sak...

Allende mördades 11/9.

Posted on: 2007/4/17 20:49
Det finns bara EN sanning

Så farlig är vägen,
att man aldrig ser stupet,
man faller sakta, stilla och lugnt –
i djupaste trygghet
– uppbyggd av strunt!

Jag kom, jag såg, jag vände åter
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Re: Estonia mörkläggningen kan vara Sveriges 9/11

Har du mer info om det med Palme/Allende - det låter konstigt - vad skulle Allendes motiv vara?

Mer info om Lind/Palme också... de är mycket lika i utseendet.

Palme/Shirley Maclaine är en annan sak...

Allende mördades 11/9.

har lite info om palme och lind men vet inte hur man ska ta det det är som sagt teorier och allendes dödsdag är tämligen intressant om det nu finns någon sån här extremt svår koppling som jag nu har målat upp men inte förstår själv.

som sagt "teorier"

men man får väl pussla lite själv med hjälp av detta

HÄR Chilensk motståndsledare i exklusiv intervju för Leopold Report:
Chiles diktator Pinochet gav order

om att Olof Palme skulle tystas

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Re: Estonia mörkläggningen kan vara Sveriges 9/11

See User information

Apa wrote:

Har du mer info om det med Palme/Allende - det låter konstigt - vad skulle Allendes motiv vara?

Mer info om Lind/Palme också... de är mycket lika i utseendet.

Palme/Shirley Maclaine är en annan sak...

Allende mördades 11/9.

har lite info om palme och lind men vet inte hur man ska ta det det är som sagt teorier och allendes dödsdag är tämligen intressant om det nu finns någon sån här extremt svår koppling som jag nu har målat upp men inte förstår själv.

som sagt "teorier"

men man får väl pussla lite själv med hjälp av detta

HÄR Chilensk motståndsledare i exklusiv intervju för Leopold Report:
Chiles diktator Pinochet gav order

om att Olof Palme skulle tystas

Tackar, får ta och kolla lite. Jag har läst/hört det där om Lind och Palme. Ska inte den uppgiften gå att få fram... om det var så?

Vad säger ni zzz:s - var P far till L - ett rakt svar nu.

Posted on: 2007/4/17 22:20
Det finns bara EN sanning

Så farlig är vägen,
att man aldrig ser stupet,
man faller sakta, stilla och lugnt –
i djupaste trygghet
– uppbyggd av strunt!

Jag kom, jag såg, jag vände åter
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Re: Estonia mörkläggningen kan vara Sveriges 9/11

novax wrote:

Tackar, får ta och kolla lite. Jag har läst/hört det där om Lind och Palme. Ska inte den uppgiften gå att få fram... om det var så?

Vad säger ni zzz:s - var P far till L - ett rakt svar nu.

Vet inte men båda var ju bilderbergare (de mördades väl även båda i sverige året efter de deltog i mötet) de är lika måste jag medge.
Jag skrev en tråd om mordet på anna lindh för ett ganska bra tag sedan här ... de=flat&order=ASC&start=0

om han var hennes dotter?
inte en anning
Boken "the biggest secret" kom precis upp i mitt huvud vet inte varför har den inte ens men tycker jag kan koppla ihop det ändå på nåt sätt.

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Re: Estonia mörkläggningen kan vara Sveriges 9/11

See User information

Apa wrote:

novax wrote:

Tackar, får ta och kolla lite. Jag har läst/hört det där om Lind och Palme. Ska inte den uppgiften gå att få fram... om det var så?

Vad säger ni zzz:s - var P far till L - ett rakt svar nu.

Vet inte men båda var ju bilderbergare (de mördades väl även båda i sverige året efter de deltog i mötet) de är lika måste jag medge.
Jag skrev en tråd om mordet på anna lindh för ett ganska bra tag sedan här ... de=flat&order=ASC&start=0

om han var hennes dotter?
inte en anning
Boken "the biggest secret" kom precis upp i mitt huvud vet inte varför har den inte ens men tycker jag kan koppla ihop det ändå på nåt sätt.

Detta stå bara detta om Palme i den boken:

So who was behind Diana’s assassination? It is important to stress that those who
gave the order and those who did the deed would be very different. We are looking at a
Brotherhood here, a spider’s web, and while the order will have come from the spider or
spiders in the centre, it will have been mostly carried out by the flies. It is highly unlikely
that it would have been done directly by British Intelligence because that would be too
obvious. Intelligence agencies subcontract the assassinations of their own citizens to put
them at arms length from the incident and to allow them to ‘plausibly deny’ that they
were responsible. For instance, there is considerable evidence that President Kennedy
was shot by members of an elite rifle team within a renegade unit of French Intelligence
called the OAS, or at least that they were involved in the plot. Olof Palme, the
Bilderberger Prime Minister of Sweden, was murdered in Stockholm in 1986 on the
orders of, among others, George Bush. But the killing was carried out by members of
BOSS, the South African Intelligence agency (see .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free).
The British Foreign Office has its own assassination squad called Group 13 (that number
again) and British Intelligence has a long and sick history of political and economic
assassinations. British Intelligence consists of MIS (Military Intelligence 5) which is
responsible officially for domestic security, and M16 which deals with overseas matters.
MIS announced in 1988 that they do not assassinate people. No, they get others to do it
for them. This pathetic denial was prompted by the revelations of the former MIS agent,
David Shayler, that M16 had organised a plot to assassinate Libya’s Colonel Gaddafi.
The attempt had failed because the bomb was put under the wrong car. Shayler was head
of the ‘Libyan Desk’ at MIS and was in the perfect position to know. Robin Cook, the
Foreign Secretary, who is so far out of his depth he needs a frogman’s suit, said that he
had been assured that no such event took place. Oh, that’s OK then. The attorney-general
banned David Shayler from appearing on the ITV programme, Diana - Secrets of the
Crash, and later Shayler was arrested and jailed in Paris awaiting extradition to London.
Why do that if what he is saying is such nonsense? Because, of course, he’s right. By the
way, the oath of allegiance by British Intelligence officers is not to the government, but
to the monarch. It is the same with Members of Parliament and the military. Ultimately
the Queen is their boss under the law, although, in truth, their boss is whoever controls
the Queen because even she is not at the top of the pile.

I boken The truth shall set... så står följande kring Palme (utdrag bara):

The value of the US dollar plummeted as a result of these events, but delinking the
dollar from its exchange for gold was only the first stage in the Elite strategy. In May
1973, the Bilderberg Group met on an island at Saltsjoebaden, Sweden, owned by the
Swedish banking family, the Wallenbergs (Comm 300). Under the chairmanship of
Prince Bernhard, the meeting brought together 84 leading financial and political
manipulators. They included: Lord Roll of Ipsden from S.G. Warburg; Henry
Kissinger; Robert O. Anderson, owner of Atlantic Richfield Oil; Sir Eric Drake, the
chairman of BP; Sir Dennis Greenhill, a director of BP; Rene Granier de Lilliac, of
French Petroleum; Gerrit A. Wagner, president of Royal Dutch Shell; Olof Palme
(Comm 300), the later assassinated prime minister of Sweden; George Ball of Lehman
Brothers; David Rockefeller of Chase Manhattan Bank; Zbigniew Brzezinski, director
of the newly formed Trilateral Commission and future national security advisor to
Jimmy Carter; Giovanni Agnelli, head of Fiat; Helmut Schmidt, the German Finance
Minister; Otto Wolff von Amerongen of German Chambers of Commerce; and Baron
Edmond de Rothschild. Also representing Britain were Denis Healey of the Labour
Party and the Conservative, Reginald Maudling, another regular Bilderberger in the
1960s and 70s. The meeting was organised by Robert D. Murphy, who, as US Consul
in Munich, sent back favourable reports about Adolf Hitler in the 1920s.14


In an interview for Italian Television in May 1990, the CIA agent, Ibrahim Razin,
said that he had learned from a leading Mafia boss that Licio Gelli of the P2
Freemasonary Lodge had sent a telegram in February 1986 to Phil Guarino, a close
associate of George Bush. According to Razin, the telegram said: "Tell our good
friend Bush that the Swedish tree will be felled". Three days later, the Swedish
Prime Minister and Bilderberger, Olof Palme, was assassinated. Razin, who went into hiding in fear of his life, said that Palme was killed because he knew too much
about the American arms trafficking to Iran which, Razin said, P2 had been
involved in. Part of the reason for the arms to Iran, he said, was the payback from
Bush and his colleagues for the Khomeini regime delaying the release of American
hostages in the so called "October Surprise". This was when the Reagan-Bush
campaign had negotiated with the Iranians not to release American hostages until
after the election against Jimmy Carter to prevent Carter getting the credit, and
therefore the votes, for their release. The plane which flew 51 of the 52 hostages
home left Iran as Reagan and Bush were being inaugurated.


Här kommer det jag frågade kring i en tråd nyss, om att svenska regeringen tillåtit chippning:

This prospect is nothing new. CIA psychologist Dr Jose Delgado said in 1966 th.
the day would come when brain control could be turned over to non-human
operators, by establishing two-way communication between the implanted brain
and a computer. In the 1970s, Sweden was stunned to hear that microchips were
being implanted into hospital patients without their knowledge, as part of a mind
control experiment. This was sanctioned by Olof Palme, the Bilderberger Prime
Minister of Sweden. The dangers are so potent and so obvious. As Senator Sam J.
Ervin, the head of a Senate subcommittee on behaviour modification, said in 1973:
"...behavioural the United States today touches upon the most basic
sources of individuality, and the very core of personal freedom. To my mind the most
serious the power this technology gives one man to impose his views and
values on another...If our society is to remain free, one man must not be empowered tc
change another man's personality and dictate the values, thoughts, and feelings of


The attempt to achieve this coup on the human race will be done by making the
present world so awful and chaotic that anyone promising a new world will be
followed like the Pied Piper, purely out of desperation (just like they did with Hitler
- the 'saviour' for Germany's post-war misery). I believe the Elite have a global
computer into which all the data of world events and public reaction is constantly
fed. The computer is programmed to process this data and produce a list of events
projecting years ahead, which need to happen if the human mind is to accept world
government. This way the Elite plan can be prepared far in advance. Ramphal is a
long-time standard-bearer for world government. He has also served on other
global commissions like the Brandt Commission and the Brundtland Commission
on Environment and Development. It was members of these Global Elite-created
commissions, and another led by the murdered Bilderberger, Olof Palme, the
Swedish Prime Minister, who formed the Commission on Global Governance in
1992, chaired by Ramphal and another prime minister of Sweden, Ingvar Carlsson.
And who, pray, is this I see listed on the Commission on World Governance? Why
it's...Maurice Strong (Comm 300), the 'Green' oil millionaire, the Maurice Strong
who fronted the 1992 Earth Summit in Brazil, and sits on the board of the Aspen
Institute owned by elite Bilderberger, Robert O. Anderson of Atlantic Richfield Oil.
Also listed is Jacques Delors, that archcentraliser and former top man in the
European Union. Commission on Global Governance = New World Order. Another
world government lobby event, the Global Forum on the First 'Global Civilisation',
was arranged by the Gorbachev Foundation USA, for the autumn of 1995.
Gorbachev played his part magnificently in triggering the prearranged 'freedom' in
the Soviet Union and its subordinate states to set the scene for the absorption of
those countries into the European Union and the United States of the World. The
'Cold War' was also a case of thesis v antithesis = synthesis. The 'freeing' of the
Soviet Union was planned, not spontaneous. Among those invited to the event in
San Francisco, the official birthplace of the UN, were George Shultz (TC, CFR, Bil,
Comm 300, Kissinger Associates), George Bush (TC, CFR, Comm 300), Margaret
Thatcher (Bil), Al Gore (CFR), Zbigniew Brzezinski (TC, CFR, Bil), Paul Volcker (TC,
CFR, Bil), and Ted Turner (Comm 300), head of the CNN global news channel
which has merged into the Time Warner empire. The pre-event literature published
by the Gorbachev Foundation said the forum would challenge political leaders to
provide a framework for stability and regulated human interactions [my emphasis].
The Foundation added that the forum was designed to:

"...focus on the fundamental challenges and opportunities confronting humanity as we
enter the next century and a new millennium. It is being held in the belief that at this
momentous juncture in history, we are giving birth to the first global civilisation."
In other words, world government and all the trimmings. Expect to see a series
of 'commissions', 'conferences' and 'summits' to discuss the creation of world
government in the months and years ahead. Expect, also, an attempt to rewrite the
US Constitution to allow the New World Order to impose its policies on the USA.
Another group to watch is the Bilderberg-related, New Atlantic Initiative (NAI),
headed by the same crowd with Margaret Thatcher as a patron. It seeks to fuse the
US with the European Union and make NATO a world army.

Posted on: 2007/4/17 22:44
Det finns bara EN sanning

Så farlig är vägen,
att man aldrig ser stupet,
man faller sakta, stilla och lugnt –
i djupaste trygghet
– uppbyggd av strunt!

Jag kom, jag såg, jag vände åter
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Re: Estonia mörkläggningen kan vara Sveriges 9/11
hm okej.
Vad tror du själv novax hade palme en "okänd" dotter?

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Re: Estonia mörkläggningen kan vara Sveriges 9/11

See User information

Apa wrote:
hm okej.
Vad tror du själv novax hade palme en "okänd" dotter?

Jag tror nog inget speciellt om det. Någon modig kan ringa hem till Staffan Lindh och fråga...

Här är konstnären Staffan Lindh, Annas far, då... ... bilder/utst/lindofalk.jpg

Konstnären Staffan Lindh, Snöån utanför Ludvika, förlorade först sin dotter, utrikesminister Anna Lindh som mördades på ett varuhus, och en tid därefter sin hustru Nancy som insjuknade.
[...] ... 60504161409_DD486.dbp.asp


Läs: De styrda

Posted on: 2007/4/18 8:53
Det finns bara EN sanning

Så farlig är vägen,
att man aldrig ser stupet,
man faller sakta, stilla och lugnt –
i djupaste trygghet
– uppbyggd av strunt!

Jag kom, jag såg, jag vände åter
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Re: Estonia mörkläggningen kan vara Sveriges 9/11

novax wrote:
Prime Minister of Sweden, was murdered in Stockholm in 1986 on the
orders of, among others, George Bush. But the killing was carried out by members of
BOSS, the South African Intelligence agency (see .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free).

In an interview for Italian Television in May 1990, the CIA agent, Ibrahim Razin,
said that he had learned from a leading Mafia boss that Licio Gelli of the P2
Freemasonary Lodge had sent a telegram in February 1986 to Phil Guarino, a close
associate of George Bush. According to Razin, the telegram said: "Tell our good
friend Bush that the Swedish tree will be felled". Three days later, the Swedish
Prime Minister and Bilderberger, Olof Palme, was assassinated. Razin, who went into hiding in fear of his life, said that Palme was killed because he knew too much
about the American arms trafficking to Iran which, Razin said, P2 had been
involved in. Part of the reason for the arms to Iran, he said, was the payback from
Bush and his colleagues for the Khomeini regime delaying the release of American
hostages in the so called "October Surprise". This was when the Reagan-Bush
campaign had negotiated with the Iranians not to release American hostages until
after the election against Jimmy Carter to prevent Carter getting the credit, and
therefore the votes, for their release. The plane which flew 51 of the 52 hostages
home left Iran as Reagan and Bush were being inaugurated.

Rumsfeld jobbade för Bush den äldre då och han jobbade för

Bush den yngre när Anna Lindh blev mördad!

Mind Controlled=Chrille P+Mihailo Mihailovic

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