Re: Frimurarritualer
Jag bygger väl på med ett gammalt tv program där man visar Frimurarritualer samt har en förre detta ordförande mästaren över loge som förklarar Frimureriets speciella religion. Ordförandemästaren har absolut diktatorisk makt och det är till denna som Frimurarna ska ge sina eder om lydnad och tysnad. Han i sin tur står direkt under stormästaren över landet som har nästan uteslutet varit en Svensk konung i det svenska frimurar systemet med total diktatorisk makt över sina undersåtar. Källa: Frimurernes hemmeligheter: Roger Karsten Aase - var norsk frimurare i 15 år.
Freemason rituals 1 of 10 - - (Introduction about the content of the show and introduction about the key parts in Johannes Lodge or the blue lodge (becouse of the color of the cermonial clothes). This is the same loge the Norwegien mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik had the highest degree as a master mason.) Freemason rituals 2 of 10 - - (Introduction about the key parts in Johannes Lodge or the blue lodge (becouse of the color of the cermonial clothes). This is the same loge where the Norwegien mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik had the highest degree as a master mason. 1 degree oaths and explanations about the threat in this oath of death by an former Worship Master for a lodge. According to Freemasons that replied this was the authors that best represented Fremasonry; Coil Masonic Encyclopedia 42%, Abert Mackey revised Encyclopedia 33%, The Builders by Newton 33%, Claudy 24%, Haywood 24%, Cerza 24%, Goulg 20%, Roberts 20% and Albert Pike 16%.) Freemason rituals 3 of 10 - - (Worship Master of a lodge revieals and explains the Freemason ritual of 1 degree.) Freemason rituals 4 of 10 - - (The Apron - Worship Master of a lodge explains about the apron which Masons wear something that will give them access to their next life. This disguise must be buried with Freemason at his death. The Ashlar stone - explain the symbolic Ashler stone that freemason use. Same symbolism we saw used with the murder of Robert Calvi. Talks about Robert Pikes quotes where he say a Freemaon misled Freemasons.09:10 into the video: Reenactment of one of the 3rd degree ritual of the Murder of Hiram Abif. In the end of this ritual it is explained that they must assist a brother in distress.) Freemason rituals 5 of 10 - - (Former Worshipful Master of a lodge explains the 3:e degree ritual of the Hiram Abif murder in Johannes lodge (Blue Lodge). The same lodge Freemason Anders Behring Breivik got his 3:e degree. The candidate is here Symbolicly murdered and resurected as Hiram Abif and thus reborn. In Johannes lodge the 3:e Freemason is a complete mason. Talks about the oaths of the 3:e degree about the horribly mutilation of a Freemason that reveals secrets.) Freemason rituals 6 of 10 - - (Former worshipful Master of a Lodge reveals and explains freemason rituals.) Freemason rituals 7 of 10 - - (Former Worship Master of lodge explain the Freemason Burial ritual) Freemason rituals 8 of 10 - - (Former Worship Master of lodge explain the Freemason Burial ritual) Freemason rituals 9 of 10 - - (Is a Freemason a religion?) Freemason rituals 10 of 10 - - (Is Freemason a religion? Conclusion: 1. Fits every standard definitions of religion, 2. Offers a system of salvation, 3. Has a creed, a confession of faith a theology and a ritual of worship, 4. Har symbols like those found in a church.)
Posted on: 2014/1/21 18:43
Re: Frimurarritualer
Varför inte se det hela som ett rollspel?
Posted on: 2014/1/21 19:14
"Använd skallen, Nollan! Om inte vi kan se dom, hur fan skall dom kunna se oss???" (Knasen, 1967)
Re: Frimurarritualer
Här är mer info om frimurarnas ritualer:
Posted on: 2014/1/22 0:51
Re: Frimurarritualer
Jo visst är de rollspel för vuxna precis som med dessa exemplen.
'The Third Wave was the name given by history teacher Ron Jones to an experimental recreation of Nazi Germany which he conducted with high school students. The experiment took place at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California, during one week in 1969[1]. Jones, unable to explain to his students why the German citizens (particularly non-Nazis) allowed the Nazi Party to exterminate millions of Jews and other so-called 'undesirables', decided to show them instead. Jones writes that he started with simple things like classroom discipline, and managed to meld his history class into a group with a supreme sense of purpose and no small amount of cliquishness. Jones named the movement "The Third Wave," after the common wisdom that the third in a series of ocean waves is always the strongest, and claimed its members would revolutionize the world. The experiment allegedly took on a life of its own, with students from all over the school joining in' När läraren blev Fuher (dokumentär): The Wave (tv dramatisering av händelsen): Och så har vi klassikern Philip Zimbardos The lucifer effect med stanford prison experiment: [TED kort version] - ... e_psychology_of_evil.html [The lucifer effect long version] - eller med denna herren som tydligen var Justiciar Knight och Tempelriddare. ... Behring-Breivik-291751049 Rollspel för vuxna kanske inte är så ofarligt ändå? Speciellt när vi lägger till religion, socialisation där man skapar ett slutet diktatoriskt system, ge edet om absolut lydnad till sin stormästare, träna sina medlemmar att hålla hemligheter i varje grad och medvetet ljuga för utomstående och egna medlemmar i sektens namn, skapa ett starkt vi (frimurar som befinner sig i ljuset) och dom (vi profaner i mörkret) med mera. Skulle kunna hålla på ett tag men de räcker nog med detta eller vad tror du?
Posted on: 2014/1/22 1:40
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