Artikel: Man Arrested for Sending “7/7 Ripple Effect” DVD to Judge
Nu börjar EU att arrestera folk som skickar ut DVD-filmer.
"The European Union has arrested a British man for the crime of sending a DVD to a judge. Anthony John Hill of Sheffield was arrested at his home in Carrick Street, Kells, on the foot of a European Arrest Warrant, according to the Irish Times. UK authorities claim Hill perverted the course of justice in a case related to the July 7, 2005 bomb attacks in London. British authorities claim copies of the DVD were sent, in packaging with Irish postal marks, between September 2007 and December 2007 to five relatives of people who had been killed during the bombing. In addition, copies were sent to a judge and jury foreman in the case. “I sent it. I believe those men to be innocent,” Hill told police when he was arrested and asked about the DVD. Sgt Seán Fallon told the Irish Times that a friend of Hill’s made copies on his home computer. Irish Gardaí took possession of the computer. For the crime of sending the DVD, Anthony John Hill was remanded in custody and awaits a hearing on February 18th. 7/7 Ripple Effect posits that British and Israel intelligence are responsible for the attacks. The video, produced by “Muad’Dib” — the name of a fictional character in the Frank Herbert novel Dune — appeared on the JforJustice website on November 5, 2007. According to J7: The July 7th Truth Campaign, Muad’Dib believes he is the messiah and demands “that he be acknowledged as the Rightful British-Israel King.” J7 claims Muad’Dib sent unsolicited copies of the video to 7/7 victim families. " Källa: ... pple-effect-dvd-to-judge/
Posted on: 2009/2/11 22:11
Re: Artikel: Man Arrested for Sending “7/7 Ripple Effect” DVD to Judge
Infowars skriv "The European union has arrested a".
Vilket låter lite flummigt. Irishtimes hänvisar iaf bara till: "British authorities". [Irish Times] Någon som har mer länkar till detta, så posta här tack. Jag önskar till att börja med få reda på om det är brittiska myndigheter med brittisk lag som har gjort detta. Spännande hur som helst. |
Re: Artikel: Man Arrested for Sending “7/7 Ripple Effect” DVD to Judge
Void. Irish Times skriver även "Sheffield-born Anthony John Hill (60) was arrested by gardaí at his home in Carrick Street, Kells, early yesterday morning on foot of a European Arrest Warrant, Mr Justice John MacMenamin was told."
"The European Arrest Warrant (EAW, or more rarely, EUAW) is an arrest warrant to allow the arrest of criminal suspects and their transfer for trial or detention which is valid throughout the states of the European Union" |
Re: Artikel: Man Arrested for Sending “7/7 Ripple Effect” DVD to Judge
Malmoe: Sorry, my bad. Tack!
Detalj ur länken ovan: Use of the Arrest Warrant The first reported use of the EAW was in January 2004 when a Swedish suspect was arrested in Spain and transferred back to Sweden [wikipedia] Det hela är mycket intressant. |
Re: Artikel: Man Arrested for Sending “7/7 Ripple Effect” DVD to Judge
Se det här som goda nyheter.....
De visar vad som gör mest skada dvs Skicka bra dokumentär filmer till nyckelpersoner som domare ,politiker, poliser, journalister mfl. verkar vara väldigt effektivt. Hälsningar
Posted on: 2009/2/12 15:22
Re: Artikel: Man Arrested for Sending “7/7 Ripple Effect” DVD to Judge
De slår bara krokben för sig själva när de arresterar en 9/11 Truther eftersom det ger uppmärksamhet så ännu fler vaknar upp ur dvalan.
Vad står det på den vita skåpbilen? Vad står det på den sprängda bussen? Bra talat Spartacus88, kör hårdare! P.S. Kanske borde heta 7/7-Truther i detta fall.
Posted on: 2009/2/13 13:24
Re: Artikel: Man Arrested for Sending “7/7 Ripple Effect” DVD to Judge
Söker fler nyhetsartiklar kring denna händelser. Posta när ni finner.
Re: Artikel: Man Arrested for Sending “7/7 Ripple Effect” DVD to Judge
Message from Mr. Hill arrested for mailing a DVD "We met with John Anthony Hill who got arrested for mailing a DVD (with no letter attached) to a UK court from Ireland (reported by the Irish Times). John is also the producer and narrator of this DVD. Mr Hill, 60 years old, showed us his arrest warrant and gave us permission to pass on information contained in it. The maximum sentence on the warrant is Life Imprisonment in England. John had his computer and other property seized which is why he requested other people to help him as he is not able to defend him self properly as a result. The phony charge is possibly fabricating evidence that might cause injustice and this is from the same country that helped put people in Guantanamo and other torture facilities world-wide. The DVD only contains main stream media news (BBC, ITV, New York Times etc) and the small remainder is his political opinion which as of yet no one is legally supposed to be extradited for, within the EU. The DVDs were also never given to the Judge or Foreman of the trail which is to do with 3 men never mentioned in the DVD. Regardless if you agree or disagree with the contents of this documentary anyone who values freedom would see there is an injustice being carried out here. John’s court case is on this Thursday at the four courts in Dublin. Having a gathering outside would not change anything inside the court but it might get the media to shine more light on this injustice. John is asking anyone who is not working that day (this Thursday the 19th) to come along at 1:30pm, and any who can take a half day. I’m not sure if handing out his DVD or flyers with information contained in the DVD on the street would be WELCOMED by the court, but it is not yet illegal to hand out free materials on the public streets of Dublin that does not promote a commercial event. Anyone who has the technical abilities to make copies or photocopy information and is able to come along might want to think of doing so. The documentary is available free on the Google videos and Youtube, 7/7 Ripple Effect. Perhaps spread this on forums and contact the media if you think it is a good idea or better yet come up with your own peaceful ideas. I’m sure you would want support too if injustice was being carried out against you, but you should only help because you want to."
Posted on: 2009/3/17 19:14
Re: Artikel: Man Arrested for Sending “7/7 Ripple Effect” DVD to Judge
Outcome of the first unusual DVD court case The British government through Westminster Magistrates Court are looking to have John Anthony Hill extradited to the UK, accused of mailing a DVD (with no letter) to a court, to face a maximum sentence of life imprisonment . The DVD was titled to the judge and to the “foreman of the jury”. I think most people would have faith that a court administrators would know whether to legally pass it on or not, which they did not pass on. The way it was sent makes it impossible to pervert the course of justice. John is also the producer and narrator of this documentary which basically shows footage from the BBC, ITV and some news articles by the New York Times and others. The small remainder of John’s documentary that is not from main stream media is his political opinion. The European Arrest Warrant Act states no one can be extradited for political opinion and it says that the warrant is also invalid if it violates any of John’s Irish constitutional rights. In court I never heard that exact point brought up or even the exact term “political opinion”. I heard hypothetical arguments about the term “freedom of expression”. If John is sent to prison in the UK this could set a new precedent taking away even more little freedoms we have left. If that happens why would it not apply to emails with links to documentaries or news articles? That is what’s at stake on the European level and on a local level it’s the dismantling of the Irish Constitution. The prosecutor accused John of sending the DVDs to the court because he thought the accused men where innocent! The DVD is about four other men and never mentions the three men accused at the court the DVDs were sent to, plus doesn’t the law state that every person is innocent until proven guilty? As far as I know that right has not been taken away… yet, at least for non-Muslims not detained in Guantanamo bay and other similar U.S. and UK rented facilities worldwide (for the moment). John is charged with a common law offence, attempting to pervert the course of justice. The legal common law definition of perverting the course of justices is: “1) Fabricating or disposing of evidence, 2) Intimidating a witness or juror, 3) Threatening a witness or juror”. There was no fabricating of evidence, over 80% of the film is from public main stream media and the rest is John’s political opinion relating to that information. His film was also in the public domain on youtube. Intimidating or threatening is not mentioned on the European Arrest Warrant of course as no letter was sent and John is a peaceful spiritual man. While a small few outside the court were handing people entering the four courts copies of John’s DVD the judge inside said what John did is not a crime in Ireland. Another one of the conditions of the European Arrest Warrant is that the charge must be a similar offence in Ireland. It would be like posting a newspaper to a court or handing a DVD to a person entering a court, who could well be a jury member. John mailed the publicly available DVD in Ireland and has been living in Ireland, as a result he is afforded the rights of the Irish constitution, which the European Arrest Warrant also states. The EAW must do so as in Irish law there is no higher law of the land and parts of it are actually worth the paper it’s written on (unless there is a national emergency or we vote it away to some economic union). The barristers argued back and forth for over an hour and outcome of John Anthony Hill’s court hearing last Thursday at the Dublin four courts was that a judgement would be announced on the second of April after the judge watches John’s DVD (7/7 Ripple Effect). The following extracts are from the European Arrest Warrant Act 2003 that shows John can not be surrendered for extradition as it violates his constitutional rights and he can not be extradited for his political opinion or for an offence that is not an offence in Ireland. European Arrest Warrant Act 2003, “37 (1) A person shall not be surrendered under this Act if— (c) there are reasonable grounds for believing that— (i) the European arrest warrant was issued in respect of the person for the purposes of facilitating his or her prosecution or punishment in the issuing state for reasons connected with his or her sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, language, political opinion or sexual orientation,” “37 (1) A person shall not be surrendered under this Act if – (b) his surrender would constitute a contravention of any provision of the Constitution (other than for the reason that the offence specified in the European arrest warrant is an offence to which section 38 (1) (b) applies.” John’s case does not fall under section 38 (1) (b) which means surrendering him would violate the Irish Constitution, you can checkout section 38 (1) (b) here and the Framework Decision it references here. The Irish Constitution is the highest law in Ireland that must be followed Article 35.2, “All judges shall be independent in the exercise of their judicial functions and subject only to this Constitution and the law.” Opinions can be expressed freely: Article 40.6.1.i: “The State guarantees liberty for the exercise of the following rights, subject to public order and morality: The right of the citizens to express freely their convictions and opinions.” The Irish Constitution was written originally written in Irish and following articles show that Irish is the first official language: Article 8.1, “The Irish language as the national language is the first official language.” Article 8.2, “The English language is recognised as a second official language.” The standard Constitution uses alterations of the Irish language before translation to English which it clearly states, “the Irish text has been altered so as to make it conform to modern standardized Irish”. Here is what the literal English translation from the original Irish really says on article 40.6.1.i, “The right of the citizens to reveal their certitudes and their opinions without hindrance.” More powerful isn’t it? The following article says English can be used for official business but it does not say English can override the original Irish Constitution: LITERAL ENGLISH TRANSLATION FROM ORIGINAL IRISH ARTICLE 8.3, “But provision may be made by law for either of those two languages to be a single language for any official businesses or business throughout the whole State or in any part of it.” The following article from the European Arrest Warrant Act 2003 is yet another point that the British issued European Arrest Warrant fails on: “5.—For the purposes of this Act— (a) an offence under the law of the issuing state [England] corresponds to an offence under the law of the State [Ireland], where the act or omission that constitutes the offence under the law of the issuing state would, if committed in the State, constitute an offence under the law of the State, and (b) an offence under the law of the State corresponds to an offence under the law of the issuing state.” Anyone spiritual like John might like the following article of the Constitution: Article 34.5.1, “Every person appointed a judge under this Constitution shall make and subscribe the following declaration: ‘In the presence of Almighty God I, do solemnly and sincerely promise and declare that I will duly and faithfully and to the best of my knowledge and power execute the office of Chief Justice (or as the case may be) without fear or favour, affection or ill-will towards any man, and that I will uphold the Constitution and the laws. May God direct and sustain me.’ “
Posted on: 2009/3/25 12:21
Re: Artikel: Man Arrested for Sending “7/7 Ripple Effect” DVD to Judge
2:a april kommer dommen.
Re: Artikel: Man Arrested for Sending “7/7 Ripple Effect” DVD to Judge
Blir det några år i Gulag för förövaren och en traktor till angivaren kanske?
Det luktar mer och mer hammare och skära för varje dag. |
Re: Artikel: Man Arrested for Sending “7/7 Ripple Effect” DVD to Judge
Extradition judgement of the information mailer Would the world be a safer place if people who mail public information are behind bars? Today at the four courts in Dublin, 11am - court 11, the Judge ruled on whether or not to extradite John Anthony Hill to the UK. John mailed a publicly available DVD, with no letter attached, to a court in the UK during a trial of three men. The DVD had nothing to do with those three men, it contains information from the BBC, ITV, the New York Times and other such established main stream news entities about four different men. During John’s trial in Ireland, March 19th, the judge said in his closing statement that he would watch the DVD before making a decision. Today we found out that the judge failed to uphold that promise/commitment made in court when he told the court he had not looked at that evidence. The Judge ruled against John, 60 years old, who was then put in to handcuffs and lead away by the police to a prison. The Judge said a number of people from all over the world mailed him envelopes with DVDs, he also said he did not open the envelops. The judge said the European Arrest Warrant Act does not give him permission to not surrender John under the grounds of freedom of expression, religious reasons or if it was a violation of the Irish constitution. After the judgement, in the public corridors of the four courts, John’s barrister said that the European Arrest Warrant Act states he cannot be surrendered if he will be treated unfairly in the UK as a result of his political opinion, which they feel he wont. But if you read the key article 37 of the European Arrest Warrant Act (below) from the Irish Statute Book you can clearly see what it really says. It talks about the warrant being invalid at the issuing point, it does not talk about being treated unfairly if extradited to the issuing state (UK). It says “a person shall not be surrendered” if the warrant is “issued” due to “political opinion“. It is even more open than that because it states that if “there are reasonable grounds for believing that” it was issued “for reason connected with his or her” “political opinion” or “religion” then the warrant is invalid and John does not have to be surrendered. European Arrest Warrant Act 2003, “37 (1) A person shall not be surrendered under this Act if— (c) there are reasonable grounds for believing that— (i) the European arrest warrant was issued in respect of the person for the purposes of facilitating his or her prosecution or punishment in the issuing state for reasons connected with his or her sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, language, political opinion or sexual orientation,” Undoubtedly this precedent will effect emailing links of documentaries and news articles to authorities. During John’s trial his government defense barrister did not make the points about the DVD not being about the three men on trial and other important aspects of John’s defense were not brought up. Despite John’s requests he was not allowed speak during his trial. The judge did not even watch the DVD which he said he would do before making a judgement. This is the justice system, it is not even close to most people’s vague ideas of it; the nicely distorted views given by law dramas on TV. When John’s rights were taken away so was everyone’s, instantly. There was a low turnout of support today and two weeks ago, it seems more people turn up for screenings about rights being taken away then they do to support keeping the little ones we have left when they are under attack. The rest of the uninformed public are not too bothered by anything if it does not directly effect their pockets or at the maximum the pockets of a close family relation. John might have a chance to appeal, if not he will be extradited out of Ireland in 15 days. The following is a link to John’s political opinion (based on information from the BBC etc) on Google videos; you are allowed to disagree with it but John was supposed to be allowed to have it and spread it: 7/7 Ripple Effect.
Posted on: 2009/4/6 12:23
Re: Artikel: Man Arrested for Sending “7/7 Ripple Effect” DVD to Judge
Dommarjäv... har ju inte ens kollat på dvd-filmen. Detta är helt _sjukt_
The judge did not even watch the DVD which he said he would do before making a judgement. WTF!!! Dessa är ju dessutom hjältar. Borde själv ha tagit reda på dommarens adress och skickat dvd till honom: The Judge said a number of people from all over the world mailed him envelopes with DVDs, he also said he did not open the envelops. |
Re: Artikel: Man Arrested for Sending “7/7 Ripple Effect” DVD to Judge
Helt sjukt. Domarjävel.
Precis som Elfsborgs lilla kopplade domare härom dagen. |
Re: Artikel: Man Arrested for Sending “7/7 Ripple Effect” DVD to Judge
Låt oss hoppas att detta åtminstonde gjort fler människor nyfikna på Ripple effect..
En jävla röra... Fridens
Posted on: 2009/4/6 19:03
"Drunknat? Åh nej! Det är lika omöjligt för mig att drunkna som för en kamel att trä på en synål!" /Pippi
Re: Artikel: Man Arrested for Sending “7/7 Ripple Effect” DVD to Judge
Jag känner John Hill aka Muad'Dib personligen och har, tillsammans med vänner, byggt med mera info om honom och rättegången.
Posted on: 2009/4/8 23:10
Re: Artikel: Man Arrested for Sending “7/7 Ripple Effect” DVD to Judge
100777. TACK för den länken. Ska göra en nyhet om det.
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